Soap Opera is an exhibition where nothing is stable and certainly becomes redundant

Bhar Lazreg البحر الأزرق، المرسى, La Marsa

Jeudi 27-06-2019 19:00

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The exhibition itself is subject to perpetual disturbances and is seen as a space of interaction. Perhaps Alex Ayed plays the unpredictability by provoking or even encouraging narratives that are ambiguous; Soap Opera is considered to be a starting point for generating a new body of work rather than a destination for completed ideas.

The mystique is fostered by an original soundtrack composed by Rehab Hazgui and "Fortune-telling performance" by Emile Degorce-Dumas and Hélène Garcia, Extra-Lucide. Ayed's work questions what is real and what is not real and wonders if at this moment, we exist somewhere between reality and superstition.

There is a conflict between the ordinary and the miraculous, something is interrupting the regular rythm of the quotidian. It is a stream of consciousness where each event or detail contributes to a narrative in which meaning is never imposed and only ever whispered